Wednesday 13 May: it’s game on!

The FTC Committee is delighted to announce that, following Government requirements and LTA guidelines, limited play returns to Fishbourne Tennis Club  from Wednesday 13 May on the following basis. Restrictions are temporary and access conditional upon the following:   Only courts 1, 2 and 4 are available for play. Note that ongoing drainage works adjacent to…

Answers to FTC Quiz No2

Dear FTC member How did you do in Sam Hart’s second FTC quiz? Here are the questions again…this time with the answers. One point for each correct answer.. Round 1 General knowledge Which Country is Brie cheese originally from? Answer: France Who were runners up in The FIFA Woman’s World Cup? Holland What nut is…

FTC Quiz answers: how did you do?

First off, did you identify the four young tennis champions correctly? The kids were of course, left to right from top: Djokovic, Nadal, Murray and Federer. One point for each correct answer. Now for the answers to Sam Hart’s big quiz… ROUND 1 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE When Captain Tom Moore turned 100 which two famous aircraft…

Spot the tennis champion!

Four young chaps…four great tennis champions in waiting. But who are they? This is the first part of an FTC quiz – just for the fun of it and hopefully to relieve some of the lockdown blues. More to come soon, along with the answers…watch this space and your email inbox!  

Coronavirus club update and newsletter

Dear Fishbourne Tennis Club member, Please read this important update from your committee about activities at Fishbourne Tennis Club, all of which takes immediate effect.   THE COURTS ARE OPEN AND TENNIS CONTINUES IN FISHBOURNEOur motto during the coronavirus emergency is: Keep active, keep smiling, keep safe.   Courts can continue to be booked online…

Coronavirus do’s and don’ts

Dear Member, The committee would like to formalise actions and precautions to be taken to minimise the impact and spread of this virus for members and visitors. At all times, club members and visitors should follow the current government advice which can be found at: Supporting this advice we recommend: Handwashing before and after…

Spring what’s on and newsletter

Here’s what is  coming up  at your tennis club as we look forward to spring 2020… DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 29 January – first of six free informal coaching sessions during Wednesday afternoon club sessions 14 February – last chance to opt-in to Wimbledon ticket ballot 9 March – FTC committee meeting 6pm clubhouse, observers…

Autumn newsletter and what’s on

Dear Fishbourne Tennis Club member, Welcome to the regular email update of the exciting things happening at your tennis club this autumn/winter. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Cheese and wine tasting followed by the Estelles Motown band, Friday 7pm, 27 September, the Fishbourne Centre. £25 a head, tickets from the Fishbourne Centre Macmillan Coffee Morning, clubhouse,…

Club Open Day this Saturday

FTC Summer Open Day and Bring-A-Friend Day is on at the club from 9-1pm Saturday 29 June. If you have ever thought about taking up tennis, or returning to it after a gap, this is the day when you can come down to the club, meet some members, have a friendly hit and find out…