There are still some places left for the FTC Quiz with Chicken Curry supper on Friday 17th January at the Fishbourne Centre from 6.30pm.
You do not have to be a team of four to participate.
Just sign up individually and we will find some team-mates for you on the night – just email back with the number of entrants required.
Please be quick – there is a limited number of places.
The cost is £10.00 per head which includes chicken curry supper (or vegetarian alternative), or £5.00 a head without supper.
Please let us know when you book your places if the curry or vegetarian supper is required.
Pre-payment is required by cheque or online.
Online payment
To FTC’s bank account: SORT CODE 09-01-53 ACCOUNT No. 33095480
Please use as Reference QUIZ / your SURNAME.
Payment by Cheque
Cheques made payable to FISHBOURNE TENNIS CLUB.
Either post your Cheque to: Ivor Smith Membership Secretary, Maple End, Watery Lane, Funtington PO18 9LF
Or deposit your Cheque in the safe in the pavilion.
Happy quizzing!