The day dawned clear, bright and still for our 22 intrepid American Tournament competitors. The near perfect tennis conditions were a welcome change from the torrential down pours of late and it was good to get out onto the courts. Some excellent and close fought matches ensued with with a slick turn around between rounds and plenty of hot beverages to keep the chill at bay.
Infact the matches were so close we ended up with 4 outright winners on 19 points – Jan Howard, Faye Jones, Shaz Morris and Ian Sturt. They all won a lovely bottle of wine each and have arranged to circulate the trophy between them until the next tournament. We had 3 players in second place on 18 points – Sue Bargery, Trevor Bracher and Alan Gawen and Sheila Hill in third place with 17 points.
Our sensational soup makers, Sue Bargery and Shaz Morris, provided much needed lashings of hot soup, crusty rolls and baguettes, so a big thank you to them for all of their hard work.
And a big thank you too, to Roy and June Hay and Caroline for collecting entry fees, recording all the scoring and generally guiding Nicola on the running of the tournament.
A good day was had by all.