Fishbourne Tennis Club committee has for a while now been considering putting together some guidelines on Player Etiquette. The committee hopes these guidelines will be of use to the many new members of the club, as well as serving to refresh some older members’ memories!
It is the ethos of Fishbourne Tennis Club that players (members and non-members) should conduct themselves in the spirit of friendliness, flexibility, safety and enjoyment; these being the priorities of the Club.
Court bookings
- Members and non-members must follow the rules that apply for the booking and payment for use of the courts and floodlights; this relies on the integrity and honesty of the players involved.
- Members should wear their shoe tags at all times for ease of identification.
- Please co-operate flexibly when all courts may not be available due to maintenance or weather issues, for example; while the Club will seek to ensure a safe playing environment, individuals play at their own risk especially during inclement weather.
- The availability of courts for member and non-member booking will be subject to change and subject to the seasonal organised programmes by FTC covering adult and junior activities, leagues and competitions, club sessions, and by the approved programmes operated by Generation Tennis.
- New members and junior players should be welcomed and encouraged to use the courts properly and within the rules of the Club.
- All used water-bottles and wrappings should be placed in the bins provided on the site; please remove any rubbish spotted in and around the courts.
- Dogs may not be taken onto the courts to avoid any distraction or intimidation of players or spectators.
- Please refrain from using mobile phones on the court area unless in an emergency.
General Play
- Abuse of equipment (including balls) out of frustration is unacceptable! Any outward demonstration of dissent in anger, or rudeness to another player on or off the court is not in the spirit of the Club or the game of tennis.
- Always ensure the ball comes to rest in a safe position before playing the next point.
- The server should keep the score and call it out after each point.
- If line calls are not clear or agreed then ‘play a let’ to continue.
Club sessions
- Please enter your name in the book in the pavilion each time you play so that records can be kept of court usage.
- The club sessions are designed for the enjoyment of all members of all abilities; waiting members should organise next games on the basis of those who have waited longest or who have just arrived.
- Pairs should mix up after each match whenever possible; all ability games are encouraged.
- Priority should be given to Mixed, then Ladies or Men’s doubles, then Singles games; singles should give way to doubles games when members are waiting to play.
- Please welcome and encourage new members and prospective new members to join in and mix with existing members at club sessions.
- When playing under floodlights, short sets should apply (‘sudden death’ on deuce or first to 5 games) if numbers waiting warrant this. During daylight sessions ‘sudden death’ should apply if numbers waiting warrant this.
- Floodlights must be turned off after use.
- Please return full cans of balls to the cupboard after play.
Tournaments and Competitions
- The rules for a particular tournament or competition as defined by the Club Committee, and which may change from time to time, will apply.
Practice Wall
- The practice wall may be used when Court 1 is not in use.
- Please respect our pavilion which is provided for all members and leave tidier and cleaner than before your use.
Thank you
Fishbourne Tennis Club Committee