All the club news and upcoming events

Dear Fishbourne Tennis Club member,  Welcome to the regular email update of the exciting things happening at your tennis club. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 15 February P&D Summer League entry deadline (see below) 22 February, last date for FTC members to sign up for entry to 2019 Wimbledon ticket ballot (see below) 4 March FTC…

Club quiz on this Friday

The Fishbourne Tennis Club Quiz with Fish and Chip supper will be held this year at the Fishbourne Centre from 6.30pm on Friday 18th January.  This is a fun evening open to tennis club members and their friends and family, with food, drink, plenty of laughs and prizes for those who really do know it all.   There will be…

Christmas what’s on and winter newsletter

Dear Fishbourne Tennis Club member, Welcome to the Christmas and New Year email update of the exciting things happening at your tennis club. FREE LUNCH AT THE CLUB NEXT SATURDAY All FTC members are cordially invited to join the FTC committee for a complimentary buffet lunch in the hall at the Fishbourne Centre on Saturday,…

FTC Christmas party picture gallery and report

The band was great, the buffet was terrific, the dancing was…well, we all did our best. And overall it was a great night as FTC members and friends let their hair down for a pre-Christmas bash in the Fishbourne Centre hall. FTC snapper-in-chief Nikki Holden was there with her camera…see her pictures below. FTC members…

Floodlit tennis now available to non-members

Members of the public can again book a floodlit tennis court in Fishbourne following installation of new floodlights at the club at the Fishbourne Centre on Blackboy Lane. Non-members have always been able to book a court but it is only since completion of major electrical works that Fishbourne Tennis Club can again open its…

New men’s ladder competition announced

The club has set up a new men’s doubles ladder competition for the winter, in response to requests from members and especially new members. The ladder gets under way (under the new lights!) from 1 November and ends on 31 March when there will be a prize for the winner. You can play as much or as…